Bridging the Ages: An Illustrated Exploration of Chinese Idioms with Oracle-bone Inscriptions and AI

:tada: Accepted by CVPR AI Art Gallery 2024.

It’s my submission to CVPR AI Art Gallery 2024.



“Bridging the Ages: An Illustrated Exploration of Chinese Idioms with Oracle-bone Inscriptions and AI” is a project that intertwines the ancient with the modern by exploring traditional Chinese idioms through the lens of artificial intelligence and oracle-bone inscriptions.
Oracle-bone inscriptions, dating back to the late 2nd millennium BC, represent the oldest attested form of written Chinese. It is logographic, representing elements of the natural world in simplified illustration.

This project introduces four Chinese idioms: “天马行空” (a heavenly steed soaring across the skies), “一石二鸟” (kill two birds with one stone), “良禽择木而栖” (a fine bird selects a fine tree to perch on), and “木已成舟” (the wood has already become a boat), each embodying rich philosophical and historical significance. To reinterpret these idioms, the project employs a combination of AI technologies, including Generative AI for explaining the idioms’ meanings and generating Chinese ink-style illustrations. Furthermore, it utilizes computer vision technology, specifically Detectron2 and approaches from recent research, to detect objects in the images and redraw them using corresponding oracle-bone inscriptions.

The application of these computer vision techniques and AI processes not only brings a fresh perspective to traditional idioms but also showcases the potential of combining historical and artistic elements with modern technology. This project, therefore, stands at the intersection of art, literature, history, and technology, providing a unique lens through which to appreciate the depth and beauty of Chinese cultural heritage while also exploring the capabilities and creative applications of AI.

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这是我第二个AOE提交的项目, 也许因为WWDC的事情投入太多心血有太多期待整个人的能量有点燃烧殆尽, 这是距离ddl最后50个小时内才开始的, 但幸运的是互联网上有热心网友分享了我欠缺的cv知识. 让我了解到了跟我需求相关的sota工作.

因为卡ddl自然有很多不严谨以及需要提升的地方,对此感到很羞愧,以后的交付的任何东西都要避免自己能注意到的不严谨之处. 在此罗列供日后考据修正.

(尤其是同一周在Apple的D那里得到的火眼金睛一针见血的建议, 这是某种意义上我这么多年以来, 第一次被别人指出我意识到我在偷懒/做得不好的细节)



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